

[823298] - And there you have it. We've got one hell of an indexer! Give us some time to get things straight, and in a few blocks the show (really) begins.

[822604] - We've done a lot of work to stabilise the indexer and the infrastructure, we're working on a new interface, a new API, making the project's code available, and other things... Lots to come.

[+1k] - We ate and slept (a little). We've got a site in the background to stabilise our infrastructure. Lots of patches... We're also actively monitoring, and preparing lots of things for the future.

[+500] - We're working on a wide range to stabilise this first draft (before distributing it). Thanks for your tips!

[+500] - List of CBRC-20 Units. Please remember data presented here can be messed up for a number of reasons (but we're very active on corrections)

[820569] - The release.

Transfer validator
Current index#0Last number#0

The Race (#100)

CBRC-20 indexdb metrics
0 / 0
metaop:deploy HAS CREATED
Last Updated:
Contributors: Junkfoodpunkroot